Your library has:
-Free WiFi 24/7 No password
-Free Six Public Computers (30min sessions or unlimited time if no one is waiting)
-Free Library Card
-Free Tech Help Wednesdays 2-4 PM
-Affordable copy service
-Affordable fax service
-Quiet study/work areas
-A must see Used Book Store
-Free Ancestry Library Edition
-Free Fold3 Military Records
We so look forward to seeing you!
Look What's Happening

105 Years of legacy serving the community of Carrizozo
Thank you Carrizozo Woman’s Club!
On display in Carrizozo Library thru March

In February, Mike Lagg and Paula Wilson taught at the Carrizozo Schools, leading a
printmaking project centered on the yucca plant and yucca moth. Each of the five grade levels
(K-5th) created beautiful collaborative prints on muslin, measuring 30 inches wide by 64
inches high. This beautiful work is now on display in Carrizozo Library. Get in here and see it!

With your library card!

Pre-K BookNook TUESDAYS at 10am in the Carrizozo Library.
Check these out from El Portal!
The Carrizozo Library has it's own weather station!
Click on the Weather Underground Logo for the most accurate readings for Carrizozo!

Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Carrizozo Community Public Library & Archive to:
Provide resources that enhance and contribute to individual knowledge and enlightenment
Promote open access to materials and services to serve cultural, recreational, and educational needs
Strengthen community and enhance quality of life for all residents from pre-school through maturity by advancing the joy of reading and use of technology for lifelong learning
About Us
"Carrizozo needs a public library," she said. "Yes, yes," they all agreed!
And so, many years of planning and dreaming began...
Carrizozo Community Public Library & Archive is a true grass-roots success story. It all started as a committee with Carrizozo Works, Inc. (CWI) and a group of dedicated volunteers who became Friends of the Library. The Town of Carrizozo adopted the library as a municipal entity with an ordinance. The grand opening was celebrated in January of 2019.
All our volunteers know the value and importance of a free public library in a rural community. Carrizozo Library offers free Wi-Fi 24/7 with no passwod, public computers, a Book Nook program for children, and so much more. We host meetings for community organizations, a film series and a writer's group. We strive to be a part of the community and provide for it.
And we can always use more help. Consider volunteering with us today!